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The Revenue Acceleration Framework Field Guide

All the spreadsheets you need to create an individualized roadmap for growth

If you don’t understand some crucial numbers, your business will face serious obstacles as you try to transform and scale growth. The hard truth is that this lack is why most businesses fall short.  

As our CEO Doug says in his best-selling book The Revenue Acceleration Framework, data is crucial if companies want to define and assess their overall strategy and progress toward their goals. 

In his book, he demonstrates these numbers in a spreadsheet as he explains the terms and why he chose to include each number. This accompanying field guide makes it even easier!

What You’ll Get

After filling out this field guide, you’ll walk away with:

  • A three-year plan for growth
  • Your individualized Economic Model 
  • Your individualized Demand Generation Model
  • A clear understanding of the numbers broken down by year for each model
RAF - Fieldguide - Assumptions
RAF - Gieldguide - Economic Model

What You’ll Learn

Doug gives you working spreadsheets including formulas to calculate the following:

  • New clients needed
  • Number of proposals you need to generate
  • How many Qualified Leads to create 
  • Total lifetime value of your customer
  • Your target Customer Acquisition Cost and how to reach it


$99 for working formulas to easily create a three-year roadmap for your business.

Don’t miss out! Get the data you need to transform and scale growth.

RAF - Fieldguide - Demand Gen Model

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