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Interactive Tool:

Lead Velocity Calculator


Lead velocity is a critical demand generation metric. Use this calculator to determine your lead velocity and get a clearer picture of the health of your entire funnel. 

Lead Velocity Is The Single, Most Accurate Predictor of Growth!

Calculator.jpgLead velocity measures how fast (the velocity) you're growing lead generation from one period of time to another. It is the single, best predictor of future growth, because you can't have predictable growth without predictable lead generation.

Unfortunately very few people are familiar with the metric, and even fewer are planning for it or measuring it. It's no surprise that increasing quality lead generation volume is the top concern of growth focused companies.

This calculator and worksheet enable you to calculate the lead velocity you need to meet your growth objectives and to track your progress.  It serves as a great planning tool and an extension of a sales and marketing service level agreeement.

Download the calculator now!

Download the Calculator Now!